Your car can heat your back and cool the cabin with the touch of a button. It can tell you how long it will take to arrive at your destination, and some cars will even warn you if you veer our of your lane. And these days, there are even cars that will drive themselves on the highway, brake on their own to avoid a collision, and even park themselves. But no car from the factory includes the awesome features that you can add by installing an Automatic Connected Car Adapter.

Here’s what it does:

  • Decode your check engine light like the pro’s with detailed description of issue provided from the app; Clear it for minor issues or if you need an expert the app will provide you well-reviewed mechanics nearby; Product intended for the US only
  • In an accident, get immediate assistance from a live agent; Emergency services are called while notifying your loved ones; Available 24/7 in the US and no subscription fees for 2nd Generation adapter
  • Stay under the radar with gentle audio warnings that help you stay under the speed limit you designate in the app; They also assist with driving habits to improve hard braking and smoother accelerating
  • Coach your teen driver to be a smarter safer driver; Make the first 6 months of unsupervised driving safer, less stressful and more relaxed for bot the parents and teens using the License+ app
  • Avoid extra trips to the pump; Subtle adjustments to a commute can make a big impact on our mileage; See the cost and MPG for every trip to find more efficient routes; Tag certain trips for business in the web dashboard for easier expense tracking
    Automatic Connected Car Adapter: $98.55 with free shipping
